Oct. 2nd 2016 at Natural History Museum. Kishiwada city.
I and a paleontologist Rie Ohno did a Burgess animal workshop. Rie Ohno talked about burgess animals, and I did the part of the painting Anomalocaris mini size model. The model is the goods of Favorite Co.,Ltd. that I sculpted the original model. Favorite Co.,Ltd. prepared the unpainted model for this workshop.
Almost of participants were children, and some adults participated in it. They enjoyed it and did really good work! I hope to plan workshop for adult only.
I and a paleontologist Rie Ohno did a Burgess animal workshop. Rie Ohno talked about burgess animals, and I did the part of the painting Anomalocaris mini size model. The model is the goods of Favorite Co.,Ltd. that I sculpted the original model. Favorite Co.,Ltd. prepared the unpainted model for this workshop.
painted byelementary school students.
painted by a junior high school student.
painted by adults.
Almost of participants were children, and some adults participated in it. They enjoyed it and did really good work! I hope to plan workshop for adult only.